What a tangled web we weave, when first we try and decipher Manurhin and Walther serial numbers. All three functioned perfectly during testing at the range with round nose and hollow points. I have the Walther magazine, a Manurhin magazine, and a very shiny third magazine 'Made in Italy' with an AM or AGM logo built in a pyramin shape. I noticed a proof mark near the business end of the barrel when I was cleaning it.similar in shape to the one on the slide. This grip also has WALTHER in a banner near the top. The serial number is on the frame just behind the trigger and it does not have a letter prefix or suffix, just the five digits, 138XX, with a proof mark (?) adjacent similar in outside shape to the one on the slide but much more detailed in the middle part. The Coll could be COLE.) The proof mark on the slide is just forward of the import stamping. (IN the last series of letters the second M actually looks like an upside down W. Imported by (next line) HK-Coll MiMMl ll. Right side of the slide as follows (and I can only write it as I see it using a magnifying glass). Left grip has WALTHER in the banner near the top of the grip. Manurhin (printed in the box with wheel in background). Hi RJay and thankx for getting back to me.